Flat Oasis Land for Any Business, ID CODE: #3910

Oasis. Exotic Fruit Forest & Commercial Land, 3 minutes to the Beach, only 15$/m2

ID CODE: #3910
Sales Price: US$480,000
  • Land size: 33,200 m2 (8.204 Acres)

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In the middle of the hustle, this flat Oasis offers a great location for any business you have in mind, from agricultural & animal-related business to a touristic, entertainment, or commercial setup, even a tropical cute Mall Center. You name it!

Since it has 60 meters (200 feet) of road frontage, most of the property is protected from the noise coming from the busy road. In fact, you can hardly notice any noise once you are in the middle of the property. Still, you have all the conveniences of being downtown: electricity, optic fiber, municipality water supply, hardware store, and supermarkets only 200m (650 feet) away.

caribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investmentcaribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investmentcaribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investment

All of these are at only 3 km (2 miles) on asphalt road from Playa Negra, at the entrance of Puerto Viejo town. Getting to the beach will take you literally 3 minutes in a car, or 15 minutes on a bike.

On top of that, the property has an exotic collection of fully producing big fruit trees: Durian, rambutan, mangosteen, oranges, colombian zapote, snake fruit, lemon, pataste, santol, mandarine, soursop, mango, breadfruit, breadnut, starfruit, water apple, cacao, etc. Some of these trees are 20 years old, and we highly recommend considering them in any vision that you have. There is plenty of space to build all kinds of structures and still keep the trees for the green areas, gardens, and delight of the visitors and workers.

The land is totally flat and has a grown-up fruit forest with many open areas and a secondary wild forest. It is perfect for designing from scratch a catchy contemporary meeting place. The owner only sells the totality of the property, but once bought, it can also be subdivided into smaller pieces, ideally 1 acre each.

caribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investmentcaribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investmentcaribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investmentcaribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investmentcaribbean, puerto viejo, playa negra, hone creek, commercial, mall center, entertainment, exotic fruit trees, flat, beach, investment

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