Perfect Real Estate Investment Lot in Fortuna, ID CODE: #3891

Country Side Lot Close to Volcano Arenal and Thermal Waters READY to build

ID CODE: #3891
Sales Price: US$309,064
  • Land size: 51,890m2 (12.82 Acres / 5.18 Hectares)

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The property is located 30 minutes from the majestic city of La Fortuna, in a town called Los Angeles, with a natural beauty, relaxing scenery its flora and fauna invite you to enjoy the location. It is situated very close to other major tourist spots, like The Arenal volcano and its thermal waters. Surrounded by a town known for its hospitality and warmness of the people. The lot is ready to be divided if wanted and desire.

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The lot is located in a tranquil neighborhood with easy access. Just 10 minutes in a vehicle you can find clinic health services, stores, supermarkets, service stations, banks, restaurants, and studio centers. This property is located within a zone that is constantly growing economically since the majority of the locals are dedicated to agriculture and the production of flowers and plants which allows a progressive cycle that benefits locals rather than other areas of the country.

This is a perfect option to invest in real estate development, the property is well-divided and has access to essential services like water, electricity, and internet

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