Helpful reminders when living in Costa Rica: Regarding Properties
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Property Tax:
On December 31st, March 30th, June 30th and September 30th of each year, your property taxes are due in the local Municipality. These can be paid up to one year in advance, starting the first week of each year, or can be paid quarterly on or before the dates provided above. You can pay these taxes by having your corporate ID, your ID number (depending if the property is in your name or your corporation name) or the property number itself and going to the Municipality and pay it. Or, you can do it online through the National banking system (Banco Nacional and Banco de Costa Rica) if the bill is current (overdue taxes cannot be paid directly online) or you can go to the bank and deposit the funds into the Municipal account. If the property tax is paid to another tax office (depending on your location) then the fax and e-mail information will be different.
***Always keep your receipt and deposit slips in a safe place.
Luxury Tax:
Due on or before January 15th of each year. The tax is obligatory for owners of homes whose price by January 1st, 2013 exceeds 117 million colones or ($234,000.00 US dollars).
Helpful Reminders When Living in Costa Rica
- Regarding Vehicles
- Regarding your Corporation
- Regarding Labor Laws
- When Deciding to Build on Your Property
By Kristi Penland
Attorney at Law / Abogada
Uvita, Osa, Puntarenas
* These are helpful reminders made intended to assist with yearly items. Such items, laws, amounts and contact links and numbers are based on current information at the time of writing this document and therefore all items are subject to change. Any links or professional services referenced in this document are entirely separate from our offices and are intended to help, but is left up to the receiving Party to decide to use such services or not. Furthermore, this may not be the entire realm of information on any given subject;