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Costa Rica is a ‘third world’ country.  That means that our development is behind compared to countries like Mexico , Argentina , and any European country and of course the USA and Canada .  Yet, if you visit this small country, you do not feel you are in an underdeveloped one. 

Even though there are no huge buildings, extraordinary development and great factories here, the country has everything you may need, from modern shopping centers, nice dinning, adventure tours, access by paved roads (some with holes, but most are ok) first class hospitals and great medical care.

In this sense, all the citizens can enjoy first world amenities with not the same cost.  To live in Costa Rica like a king or queen, you require of $6,000 a month.  That is if you want to be considered a millionaire. With that kind of money you may rent a nice furnished apartment in a condo with a swimming pool, buy imported food products, fill your 4x4, and send your kids to a nice school.

That will also cover your frequent trips to the beach or mountain and going whitewater rafting every once in a while.  You may also enjoy some fine dinning.

Why is it so? Well, simply because the most expensive things you buy in a developed country are not that expensive here in Costa Rica .  Medical care is first class, but the cost is just a fraction of what you are used to.  For example, medication for asthma (exactly the same brand and kind) may cost from 25% to 70% less here in Costa Rica .  Plastic surgery as well as dentistry are so cheap some people travel to Costa Rica, stay her for a couple of weeks, travel, enjoy themselves, pay a hotel and tours, have their teeth fixed or the face lifted and they won’t spend nearly as much as they could in the States.

A bypass surgery will cost here a little more than $3,000 (hospitalization included!)

Fresh fruit can be found every day in any supermarket, and if you want to be a bit adventurous at the Agriculture Fair held every Saturday on many main towns.  There you can find fresh flowers for a ridiculous price and fruit and vegetables you did not know they existed.  That is a nice experience worth taking pictures to remember.

When you come to Costa Rica , you will see that prices in imported items are a little higher, but the actual cost of living is much less. 

Give it a try!






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